Dr. Carolyn Dean affirms that 80% of the population is magnesium deficient. Processed foods, too much calcium and sugar in the diet, stress, and many other lifestyle habits can be the cause of magnesium deficiencies. According to many allopathic doctors, the magnesium level existing within the body that is considered “healthy” and “normal”, ranges from approximately 4.2-6.8 mg/dL. Instead, Dean argues that the floor at which a healthy amount of magnesium should stand is 6.0-6.5 mg/dL. She explains, however, that many doctors prescribe other forms of drugs to counterbalance what they consider to be a magnesium deficiency, and very rarely prescribe magnesium as a remedy. In the rare event that they do, the forms of magnesium that they sell are not easily absorbed by the body, and are instead eliminated, thus existing mostly as laxative-type medications. A product such as magnesium oxide, a common over-the-counter drug that is only 4% absorbed by the body, remains one of the most recommended drugs on the market for hypomagnesemia.
As the founder of RnA ReSet, Dr. Dean talks about one of her creations, ReMag, a product that is non-laxative, and is instead entirely absorbed by the body. Her magnesium goes through an 18-step process that includes ionization, purification, and stabilization, to create the final ReMag product which is intended to be fully absorbed at the cellular level. It is available in a concentrated, picometer size, and liquid form, and is therefore a highly efficient product that remains unrivaled.
Detonix proudly provides ReMag, and many other RnA products at both of our locations, and our team and clients have all experienced the effects of ReMag. It is truly a life- changing product.